Apache Week Features:
Here are all the previous features of Apache Week. Note that some links
in old features might not work anymore.
Security levels
- A quick summary of security levels that Apache Week apply
to Apache web server vulnerabilities
Vendor patches to Apache 1.3
- We take a peek inside ten popular vendor distributions
of Apache 1.3 to find out what has been added
Apache 2.0.44 Released
- Apache 2.0.44 was released
on the 21st January 2003. This release addresses recent security
issues in Apache 2.0.43
[Event] ApacheCon 2002 Las Vegas
Paul Weinstein visited the Las Vegas ApacheCon in November 2002
and gives his highlights of the interesting news and events
Apache 2.0.43 Released
- Apache 2.0.43 was released
on the 3rd October 2002. This release addresses recent security
issues on non-Unix platforms, some minor bugs found in the 2.0.40
release, and adds some new features.
Apache 2.0.40 Released
- Apache 2.0.40 was released
on the 9th August 2002. This release addresses recent major security
issues on non-Unix platforms, some minor bugs found in the 2.0.39
release, and adds some new features.
[Event] O'Reilly Open Source convention in
San Diego
Paul Weinstein visited the five day O'Reilly Open Source Conference in
San Diego this week and gave his highlights of the interesting news and
Apache 1.3.26 Released
- Apache 1.3.26 was released
on the 18th June 2002. This release addresses a recent security
issue, some minor bugs found in the 1.3.24
release, and adds some new features.
Apache 2 Release
- Apache 2 was released on the 6th April 2002; we look at the
history of development on Apache 2.0 and features to help you use
this new release
Apache 1.3.24 Released
- Apache 1.3.24 was released
on the 22nd March 2002. This release addresses a security
flaw on Windows, some minor bugs found in the 1.3.23
release, and adds some new features.
Apache 1.3.23 Released
- Apache 1.3.23 was released
on the 24th January 2002. This release addresses some
minor bugs found in the 1.3.22
release, and adds some new features, including HTTP/1.1
support for mod_proxy
Featured Articles 2001
Our selection of the best featured articles from our weekly
newsletters. Read about everything from "Apache and Tomcat" to
"Apache Security"
Apache 1.3.22 Released
- Apache 1.3.22 was released
on the 12th October 2001. This release addresses some security flaws,
fixes minor bugs found in the 1.3.20
release, and adds some minor new features. Version 1.3.21
was not released.
Code Red requests for /default.ida
Don't panic if you see requests for the default.ida file in your
Apache access logs. These requests are from the Code Red Worm
designed to seek out vulnerable IIS servers.
[Event] O'Reilly Open Source convention in
San Diego
Apache Week visited the five day O'Reilly Open Source Conference in
San Diego this week and found an overwhelming source of
Apache information.
[Event] ApacheCon 2001 Dublin Cancelled
- The ApacheCon Europe 2001 conference scheduled for Dublin in
October has been cancelled, due to financial difficulties
with Camelot Communications.
[Event] ApacheCon 2001 Conference Report
- This is a special edition of Apache Week covering the
April ApacheCon 2001 conference in Santa Clara.
Using Certificate Revocation Lists
- Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) increase the
security of Client Authentication Realms by enabling server
administrators to block client certificates that have been
revoked because they are known to have been compromised. Mike
Leach and Tim Starr take a look at how to get CRLs working with
mod_ssl and Apache.
Web Authoring and HTTP
- Joe Orton explains
WebDAV, the distributed authoring protocol for HTTP.
Apache in the News 2000
- All the important news stories about Apache from
the year 2000
[Event] ApacheCon 2000 Europe Conference Report
Report from the third Apache conference
What the Web Server Surveys Reveal
We look behind the headline figures of two popular web server surveys with an in-depth analysis of which Apache versions are being used and how long it takes the Apache community to adopt new releases.
[Event] ApacheCon 2000 Conference Report
Report from the second ever Apache conference
[Event] Appaloosa Awards 2000
- The Appaloosa Awards were announced at the O'Reilly
Open Source Conference this week. The winners included ASF
members Ryan Bloom, Lars Eilebrecht, Roy Fielding, Doug
McEachern, Dirk-Willem Van Guilik on behalf of Apache XML
projects, and Rasmus Lerdorf on behalf of the PHP
Apache 2.0 Preview
A preview to development work on the next generation of Apache, version 2.0
Apache 1.3.6 Guide
A guide to everything new and changed in Apache 1.3.4
[Event] ApacheCon'98 Conference Report
Report from the first ever Apache conference
Apache and the Year 2000
How will Apache and the web in general cope with the year 2000?
Apache 1.2 API Guide
For module authors, a comprehensive list of changes to the Apache module API.
Apache 1.2 Guide
A guide to everything new and changed in Apache 1.2
Publishing Pages with PUT
Apache can support publishing pages with PUT, but it requires some work.
Dynamic Page Languages
From SSI to CGI via PHP and perl: which language should you use for your dynamic pages?
Apache and Secure Transactions
All about Apache and SSL, including US export restrictions, RSA licensing, ciphers, key escrow, certificates and authorities.
Gathering Visitor Information: Customising Your Logfiles
Apache 1.2 makes it easy to create multiple customised log files so you can record details of who is browser your site.
Hints and Tips
- Apache Week regularily contains information about how
to get the most out of the Apache server. To save you having to
wade through all the past issues, here is a summary of the
hints and tips we've carried, plus a few more for good measure.
DBM User Authentication
- With more than a few users, keeping user passwords
in a .htpasswd file can get inefficient and slow down page
accesses considerable. DBM user files let sites efficiently store
many tens or thousands of users (or more) with very quick
access. This feature explains what DBM is, and how to use it
with Apache.
Using Apache Imagemaps
- Imagemaps are an easy way to provide an graphical
front-end. We explain how to use Apache's imagemap module and
the Apache extensions to the NCSA map file format.
Using User Authentication
Restrict your documents to people with a valid username and password.
Converting from NCSA
The differences between Apache and NCSA HTTPd. Also, how to convert an existing NCSA HTTPd installation over to Apache.
Apache 1.1.1 bugs review
- A round-up of all the bugs in 1.1.1
Module Soup
- Customise Apache to do what you want it to do by
adding in extra modules, or remove modules you do not need.
Using Virtual Hosts
How to obtain and set up virtual hosts.
New in Apache 1.2
- All about what is coming up in Apache 1.2
HTTP/1.1 is a major revision of the HTTP standard, which defines how browsers, servers and proxies communicate.
Using Server Side Includes
- Server Side Includes make adding dynamic content
to your documents easy. We show how to use SSI on your site,
and the extensions that Apache supports.
Content Negotiation
How to use Apache's content negotiation to transparently serve files in different languages, media types or character sets.