Apache 1.2 Guide :
A guide to everything new and changed in Apache 1.2
First published: 6th June 1997
Major Features
The biggest single change in Apache 1.2 is the support for HTTP/1.1.
However there are also major changes to simplify
configuration, provide better help, speed up network
transfers, log requests to multiple files, switch UID for
running CGIs, use regular expressions in various places, make
debugging CGI easier, and more.
Apache 1.2 is fully compliant with the new HTTP/1.1 standard
(except for the proxy module). Some of the power of HTTP/1.1
support will not be apparent until browser are available
which implement it. The major changes are:
All possible status values are now defined
Byte ranges fully implemented for receiving
Content negotiation by content type, language, charset and
Content negotiation can return 406 status with a list of
possible variants, if none are suitable for the browser's
Much better cache control with Cache-Control and Vary
headers, and use of entity tags (etags)
New preconditions with If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Range,
If-Unmodified Since request headers
New request methods OPTIONS and TRACE join the existing
Persistent connections implemented, and internally copes
with some known buggy browsers
Resources can be in multiple languages
Sends a 'etag' with the response where possible (i.e. if
sending a file), which can be used for more efficient
Support for reading and sending 'chunked' encoding
The default handler can send byte ranges and multipart
Other new features
Configuration process simplified
Configuring Apache is now much easier. The
Configure script automatically identifies the
operating system and compiler to use. These can still be
set in Configuration if required. Many more
operating systems are now supported. A Makefile is created
in the support directory.
Better Help, Documentation and Bug Tracking
Various updates to provide help: the new -h option lists
all the available directives, while -l lists available
(compiled) modules. The descriptions of the directives has
been updated and expanded. A -v option gives the version
number of Apache. The full Apache documentation comes in
the distribution, while a new FAQ and
comprehensive bug
tracking database are available on www.apache.org.
Network Improvements
Persistent connections are now faster, and are used in
more cases. Network traffic has been reduced. Persistent
connections are not used if the browser appears to be one
that has a bug in its implementation.
Graceful Restarts to Avoid Dropping
Apache can be told to re-read configuration files and
re-open log files, without dropping connections in
progress, as currently happens with a -HUP restart.
Better Logging
The configurable log module is now the default. It can now
log each request to multiple log files, each in a different
format. There are several extra items which can be logged:
filename (%f), notes from other modules (%n), port of
request (%p), PID of child handling request (%P), formatted
time (%t), time to service request in seconds (%T), URL
path requested (%U) and name of server or vhost (%v).
More Control over Files
It is now possible to apply directives to individual files
with <File>, which can appear in access.conf or
.htaccess files. Multiple files can be selected using
regular expressions (which can also now be used in
<Directory> and
Running CGIs as Other Users
A helper program (suexec) can be configured to run CGI
scripts as other users. If the CGI is in a public_html
directory, it can run as the user whose directory it is in,
or a user can be set for each virtual host. Various
security checks are performed before running CGI as another
More NCSA-Compatibility
Some directives have been updated to be more compatible
with the NCSA HTTPd. The Satisfy, RedirectTemp and
RedirectPerment directives are now implemented.
AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile can now take an argument to
specify dbm format files. KeepAlive and
MaxKeepAliveRequests are NCSA compatible.
Easier CGI Debugging
It is now possible to log the input and output of a CGI
script when an error occurs. This will make debugging CGI
programs much easier.
More Includes Directives
Server-Side-Includes (SSI) have a number of important new
features. Variables can now be set and tested, and regular
expressions can be used. Code can be conditional, using
if...endif directives.
Content Negotiation Enhanced
Content negotiation has been updated to meet the HTTP/1.1
specification. In addition some special cases are catered
for to cope with browsers which currently send incomplete
negotiation information.
Better Control over Options
Options can now be set or removed on an individual basis,
rather than having to set all the options at once.
More Configurable Authentication
It is now possible to restrict pages by username and
password, but to let users from particular domains access
the pages without giving a password. This is implemented
with the Satisfy directive. Restrictions can
be applied to individual files with <File>, and to
files which match a regular expression.
SetUID Execution of CGI Programs
CGI programs can be executed as other users (on a
per-virtual host or per-userdirectory basis) if the
optional suEXEC code is compiled.
Conditional Modules and Directives
Part of the configuration files can be made conditional,
depending on what modules are currently loaded. The
<IfModule>...</IfModule> section surrounds
directives which are only executed a particular module is
loaded (or not, if the test is negated). Compiled in
modules can be activated or disabled, with ClearModuleList
and AddModule.
Preventing Too Many Resources Being Used
New directives can set total amount of resources that can
be used to child processes (such as CGI scripts). This can
be used to prevent run-away scripts from taking over the
system. The resources which can be limited are: cpu usage,
virtual memory usage and number of (sub-) processes. This
feature is available on operating systems which implement
these restrictions.
Virtual Host can Handle Multiple Addresses and be a
Each virtual host can now be configured to handle requests
on multiple addresses, by listing the addresses in the
<VirtualHost ...> directive. Also a virtual host can
be defined to accept requests not handled by any other host
(instead of leaving them to the main server configuration).
Can Return HTTP Redirect Permanent, Gone or See Other
The Redirect directive has been enhanced to
allow for additional response codes. The current Redirect
directive always returns a "temporary redirect" code. In
1.2, the redirect code can also be "permanent redirect" or
"see other", or a resource can be marked as "gone"
(permanently removed).
Better and More Robust Performance
The code has been cleaned for easier maintenance and to
fix various bugs. Error conditions are dealt with better,
including network problems, timeouts and signals. It is
better commented. Various performance optimisations have
been applied to enhance speeds. Network traffic has been
reduced where possible by sending larger blocks of data.
Persistant connections are used if possible, even after
error statuses.
Major Changes to the Proxy Module
The proxy module has been extensively updated for this
release. It is not yet compliant with HTTP/1.1.
Other Changes
There are a lot more smaller changes, some of which are
listed here:
BADMMAP compilation directive removed
Checks to see if Apache is linked to modules compiled with
a previous version of the module API.
Checks argument to Port directive is a number
and not 0.
Cookies used by the usertrack module are not sent by
default, unless enabled by CookieTracking. The
initial cookie request is now logged. The
CookieLog directive is deprecated.
Does not flush output after headers (with was a 'hack' to
get around a bug in keep-alives in a some versions of
Netscape. Apache now does not use keep-alives if this
version is being used)
The maximum value of MaxClients has been
increased from 150 to 256. Attempts to set a value higher
than this will display a warning message.
Compilation rule to tell IRIX that NIS is running (Rule
Some systems failed to notice when the child Apache
processes died, leading to scoreboard entries for dead
processes. An explicit check for dead processes is now
performed each 60 seconds, and the scoreboard updated if
CGI programs can get the port on the remote system in the
environment variable REMOTE_PORT and the original URI is
Error code number not shown in <h1>..</h1> on
error page
As defined in HTTP/1.1, an empty Accept-Encoding: request
header means that no encoding is acceptable (previously it
meant any encoding was acceptable)
Status screen output has been tidied up, and now also lists
the server host name servicing the request (the virtual
host or main server)
Responses can be marked as HTTP/1.0 rather than HTTP/1.1 if
the force-response-1.0 environment variable is set
Access can be denied based on which environment variables
are set
Return 404 status on POST to bad URL (previously used 405)
Linux now defaults to shared-memory scoreboard (not
available on 1.2 kernels, or Alpha hardware)
Better error_log messages, including Unix system call error
Modules can be placed in separate directories
If virtual host cannot be configured (hostname cannot be
resolved) then Apache continues to start-up but disables
this virtual host.
Can now work-around bugs in MSIE and Netscape Navigator
when serving PDF files, and bug in Navigator which cause
cause broken images.
Modules re-ordered to allow rewrite and alias modules to
process requests before they are handled by the proxy
module (if enabled).
Preserve query_string information during a redirect.
If the client connects but does not send a request, log a
408 ("Timed Out") error instead of a OK response (200).
Major Modules
New Modules
The following modules have been added to this version of
Apache. Of these, only mod_browser is compiled
in by default. The other modules here are optional, and to
use them you need to uncomment the appropriate line in
Configuration and re-compile Apache.
API Example Module (mod_example)
This example module can be used to see how Apache
processes requests. It is not compiled in by default and
should not be used in a "production" server.
FastCGI (mod_fastcgi)
This module implements the FastCGI method of
invoking sub-processes, which is faster and more
configurable than CGI. It is available from the FastCGI site and is not
part of the Apache distribution.
Set Response Expiry Times (mod_expires)
This module can be used to set 'expiry' times on
responses. This can be used to tell caches about the
expected life-time of resources, to make caching more
efficient or to prevent users seeing out-of-date
Set or Remove HTTP Headers (mod_headers)
This module allows individual HTTP headers to be set or
Set Environment Variables based on Browser (mod_browser)
This module can be used to set environment variables based
on the 'user agent' that created the request. This could be
used to set environment variables based on the capability
of the browser.
Rewrite Requested URL (mod_rewrite)
This module provides a generic way of re-writing the
incoming request URL based on various aspects of the
Modules Changed
Cookies module renamed Usertrack (mod_usertrack)
The cookies module (mod_cookies) has been rename usertrack
(mod_usertrack) to prevent confusion over what it does. As
in previous releases, this module is not compiled in by
Config log module replaces common log (mod_log_config)
The common log module (mod_log_common) has been replaced
by the configurable log module (mod_log_config) as the
default log module. This module has been enhanced to allow
multiple log files, so it can also replace most of the
functionality of the mod_log_referer and mod_log_agent
modules (although it is not a complete replacement for
these modules).
Directive Changes
This section lists the directives which are new in this
release, or which have changed their behaviour or syntax.
Note that only the modules compiled in by default are covered
here, and the directives provided by the new modules are not
listed (see the documentation for the module concerned for
its directives).
New Directives
<Files>... </Files>
section applies directives to individual files, or files
that match a wildcard or regular expression.
make directives conditional depending on which modules
which are compiled in
CustomLog adds a transfer log with a custom
MaxKeepAliveRequests sets the number of
requests per connection instead of KeepAlive
RLimitCPU, RLimitMEM and
RLimitNProc limit resource usage of
Redirect can take an optional first argument
giving the status value to return (one of
temp, permanent,
seeother, gone or a numeric
RedirectTemp and
RedirectPermanent added for NCSA-compatibility
(but Redirect status should be used
ScriptLog set a logfile for CGI debug output
ScriptLogBuffer set a maximum size for PUT or
POST data logged to a ScriptLog file
ScriptLogLength sets an overall maximum size
for a ScriptLog logfile
SendBufferSize sets the size of the TCP send
Changed Directives
<Location> now only matches full URL
segments (<Location> /i does not match
URL /info, for example)
<Location> and
<Directory> can match the URL or path
(respectively) against a regular expression
<VirtualHost> can take multiple
Anonymous_Authorative has been renamed to
AuthDigestFile can take optional second
argument of "standard" (for NCSA compatability)
AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile
are now NCSA compatible, with an optional second argument
which can be either dbm or
standard (dbm is only valid if
the optional mod_auth_dbm module is compiled
Auth_MSQL_Authorative has been renamed to
deny has been updated to allow an argument of
user-agents followed by a list of user-agents
to deny access
IdentityCheck timeout now 30 seconds rather
than 60
KeepAlive now takes an "On" or "Off" argument,
rather than a number (if a number if used, 0 means Off
while any other number means On). If switched on, the
default requests per connection is 100. See also
Options can set or remove individual options,
instead of replacing all the options currently in force
Timeout defaults to 300 seconds instead of
TransferLog can now be used more than once in
each main server or virtual server
User and Group can be set inside
virtual host sections, and are used when running
sub-processes (e.g. CGI) if the server is configured for
setuid execution
In all directives, a backslash character (\) now only
escapes quotes or / chars (e.g. XXX "123\"456" gives
argument 123"456. Previously \ could escape any character
Configuration and Support
Program Changes
Sample Configuration
The conf directory contains examples of the four
configuration files needed: httpd.conf, srm.conf, access.conf
and mime.types. Each of these files has been updated
Example BrowserMatch directive is given,
which disables keep-alives for browsers which had a buggy
No changes (except in the sample domain names)
An example <Location> section to log attempts to
access the phf CGI program is given. phf has a
security hole which is actively being exploited, and should
immediately be removed. This example shows how to log
people trying to access this program, possibly in an
attempt to hack your site. The logging is done at the
apache.org site, or you can log it locally using a supplied
CGI program in the support directory.
A type has been added for midi files, and removed for .gz
and .Z files (they should be marked as an encoding type,
not a media type).
In all files, all domain names have been replaced with names
that can never occur on the Internet.
Support Programs
A new CGI program phf_abuse_log.cgi is provided
which can log attempts to access the phf CGI program.
The program suexec is provided as C source. If
compiled, this can be used with Apache to allow for the
execution of programs as users other than the default server
user. It makes extensive checks before it runs the CGI as
another user to prevent security problems.
Other than these two new programs, there are no functionality
changes to the programs in the support directory. The C
programs have been updated to prevent compiler warnings on
some systems, and the perl dbmmanage now creates
passwords with a random 'salt'.