In this issue
ApacheCon reviews
If you missed the Apache conference last month in London
you'll be pleased to know that there are plenty of places to
find out what happened. Over the last few weeks Apache Week
has given our view of the conference in "ApacheCon
2000 Europe". We also have a photo of the main
conference hall before the opening session (jpeg, 105k).
In Apache Today, Rich Bowen gives a brief narrative overview
of the conference in
"Apache Guide: ApacheCon Europe" and Kevin Reichard
reviews the Douglas Adams keynote in
"Editor's Note: Douglas Adams: Predict the Future by
Inventing It". For a chance to win an autographed book
see the end of this issue.
Network World Fusion News covered some of the keynotes in
their articles "IBM
pitches its open source side", "Sun
says Java moving towards full open source", and
"Tips on pitching Apache to the big wigs"
Handouts available online
The handouts and slides for the ApacheCon sessions in London
have been put up on the
ApacheCon web site. However in order to view these notes
you must have attended ApacheCon and been a paid delegate.
SSL authors meet
If you want to set up a secure version of Apache yourself you
are left with a choice of two modules to link Apache to the
cryptography provided by OpenSSL; Apache-SSL by Ben
Laurie, or mod_ssl by
Ralf Engelschall. At ApacheCon in London, Ben and Ralf met
for the first time. Apache Week was there at the historic
moment and took this
photo as proof (jpeg, 68k) (Ralf is the one who is
smiling, with short hair, glasses, and a blue top).
Apache Site: www.apache.org/httpd
Release: 1.3.14 (Released 13th October
2000) (local
download sites)
Beta: None
Alpha: 2.0a7 (Released 9th October 2000)
download sites)
Apache 1.3.14 is the current stable release. Users of Apache
1.3.12 and earlier on Unix and Windows systems should upgrade
to this version. Read the Guide
to 1.3.14, the Guide
to 1.3.12, the Guide
to 1.3.11 for information about changes between 1.3.9 and
1.3.11 and the Guide to
1.3.9 for information about changes between 1.3.6 and
Most bugs listed below include a link to the entry in the
Apache bug database where the problem is being tracked. These
entries are called "PR"s (Problem Reports). Some bugs do not
correspond to problem reports if they are found by
Recent bugs in 1.3.14
These bugs have been found in 1.3.14 and will be fixed in the
next release.
UnixWare 7 does not work correctly with some DSOs (such as
PHP) due to a missing library. PR#6780
On Win32 and NetWare, directives using paths with a syntax
like c:oo are incorrectly appended to the
server root rather than replacing it.
RewriteMap truncates the string if the lookup had a syntax
There are problems with caching the results of a directory
index generated by mod_autoindex. A new option
for the IndexOptions directive has been added
which will return the Last-Modified date of the directory
in order to aid caches. This option will not work on all
filesystems however.
Content-Length calculations when doing Range header
processing are incorrect. This causes problems for example
when serving byte-ranged PDF files. PR#6711
The mass virtual hosting module,
mod_vhost_alias, has had a number of security
issues in the past due to it's handling of the Host:
header. Although these issues have been fixed, the Host:
header checking is now too strict and can not handle
internationalised DNS for example. PR#6635
Recent feature additions
The following features have been recently added to Apache and
will be part of the next release.
Linux 2.2 kernels do not need to have a serialised single
listener, instead sysv semaphores can be used to increase
A new LogFormat directive, %c
will be available to log the connection status. The field
will distinguish between a connection that was aborted
before the response was completed, and a completed
connection either closed or kept-alive.
Allow shared library creation on OpenBSD 2.8
Support will be added for BeOS BONE. BeOS BONE is much
closer to Unix than BeOS R5.
This occasional section contains short announcements of jobs
that require significant Apache experience. To see more jobs
or find out how to submit your vacancy visit the Apache Week Jobs
Apache Support Tech
Rep (Guildford,Surrey,UK)
Red Hat Europe is seeking an Apache expert for a fulltime
support position. Required are strong skills in Apache to
support apache and related software like Stronghold Secure
Server, PHP, SSL and CGI and Unix skills (Linux, Solaris).
Competitive market salary + benefit package are offered.
Contact: Thomas Ploss at thomas@redhat.com
Apache Software
Engineer (Fairfax, VA)
quantumStream is a pre-IPO internet company seeking an
Apache/low level internet (TCP/IP, HTTP) expert for a
full-time development position. Compensation and benefits
are competitive, colleagues great, culture emphasizes
out-of-the-box and inventive thinking. Put your creative
juices to work! Contact: Brian at jobs@quantumStream.com
Development Engineer (USA)
Covalent technologies seeks Software Development Engineer
with strong Unix, Internet, programming (C/C++, Java, Tk,
Perl), and Apache skills. Duties may include Apache server
development, PKI cryptography applications, as well as
product development and GUI design.
Here's your last chance to enter to win an autographed copy
of the
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy kindly donated by
Covalent. All you have to do is answer this simple question
before November 15th.
Which of the following is not a book by Douglas Adams?
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Japan
Please send your answer (A, B, or C) to zz9@apacheweek.com. Your
e-mail address will not be used for anything other than to let
you know if you have won. One winner will be drawn at random
from all correct entries submitted; one entry per person, no
cash alternative and editors' decision is final. Multiple
entries will be fed to the ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
Only your final answer will be accepted but you may phone a friend.