In this issue
The Apache community drew a collective sigh of relief this week as
a new beta of 2.0, Apache 2.0.28, was finally
released. Source downloads are available as usual; a
special tarball has been made for Mac OS X (Darwin) to solve some
libtool problems on that platform. Users of old 2.0 releases are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Just over two hundred changes have
been documented in the six months since the last beta: significantly,
the majority of these changes are bug fixes, cleanups, and
optimisations. With the continuing success running the 2.0 code on
the live
server at apache.org, this demonstrates that at least on FreeBSD,
Apache 2 is becoming more reliable.
The major feature added since the 2.0.16 beta is the inclusion of
mod_ssl in the distribution, eliminating the complicated
procedure of building an SSL-enabled server endured by users of Apache
1.3. Two new MPMs are also included: a multi-worker, single
listener MPM for Unix platforms, and a multi-process, multi-threaded
MPM for OS/2. Bugs are fixed in many modules from mod_proxy to
mod_include; and mod_mime and mod_negotiation have received an overhaul.
Some extensive profiling has driven performance optimisation
throughout the server.
See the complete timeline of the development of Apache 2.0
Apache feather Jewellery
Back in February we ran a story about an Australian firm, Silicon
Breeze Pty who were making
metal BSD Daemon figures with detachable Apache feathers. Such was the
demand, they've decided to make stand-alone versions of the
Apache feather as a
brooch, badge,
or sticker. The Apache Software
Foundation granted permission to use the feather logo, and a percentage
of all proceeds go right back to the ASF.
We can't think of a better way to show you are using Apache than
to attach a metal cast of the Apache feather to the outside of
your server box. We've even got a few to give away, check out our
exclusive competition in this issue.
Covalent and Apache 2.0
This week news.com ran the story
Apache 2.0
to debut Monday -- partway
implying from the tag line that a commercial organisation
was releasing the long-awaited Apache 2.0 before the Apache Software
Foundation. However, the details in the story
are not entirely accurate: Covalent have actually released a
product that includes an alpha version of Apache 2.0.
This is the second commercial product to be released which is
based on an Apache 2.0 alpha, following IBM who used Apache 2.0.18 in their iSeries
web server product line as
we reported in August.
Jim Zemlin of Covalent told Apache Week:
"...we do not intend our Enterprise Ready Server
release to be billed as being based on either a non existent release
version of Apache 2.0 - or suggest that it is based on some private in
house version. The product simply contains a heavily QA-ed and
tested [httpd] HEAD as as of a few weeks ago... Covalent will continue to
allocate significant resources to the Apache 2.0 project"
In this section we highlight some of the articles on the web that are of
interest to Apache users.
Moshe Bar pits FreeBSD against Linux again in
"FreeBSD Versus Linux Revisited" to test the new VM engine in Linux. This
benchmark consists of a series of tests, and for the web benchmarking,
Apache 2.0.18 acts as the web server on both platforms. There is no clear
winner as the results show that Linux tops the handling I/O cache category
whereas FreeBSD excels at building up and tearing down processes.
PHPBuilder presents
"Making PHP Applications Cache-Friendly" which provides us with some sample
code for reducing bandwidth demands and server load by using the Last-Modified
and If-Modified-Since headers as defined in HTTP/1.1. The PHP application in
question is Phorum, a web-based forum which uses PostgreSQL. As the pages are
dynamically generated, the two headers have to be handled manually by the
application instead of automatically by Apache. A very simple approach is
implemented where a zero-length file is updated whenever there is a change in
the database and the file's modification time is then used as the
Last-Modified value.
"On the Security of PHP, Part 2" wraps up this two-parter by showing us how
to secure PHP scripts with a combination of safe programming practices and
PHP settings. It talks about how to use PHP safe mode, how to avoid the risks
posed by files with a .inc extension, how to filter user input, and how to
prevent scripts from changing PHP configuration options.
If the idea of metal feather jewellery tickles your fancy you'll love
this competition. We
have ten Apache
feather brooches to give away to lucky readers.
For a chance to get your hands on this unique gift,
just in time for the holiday season, answer the following
In the UK series of books
the Mr Men, Mr Tickle was known for
A) impossibly long arms used for tickling people,
B) a nose that extends when he tells a lie, or
C) being grumpy
Send your answer (A, B, or C) to tickle@apacheweek.com to
reach us no later than 25th November 2001. We read every message,
so take the opportunity of mailing us to let us know how we're
doing and if there are things you think we should change
about Apache Week. Your e-mail address
will not be used for anything other than to let you know if
you won. Ten winners will be drawn at random
from all correct entries
submitted, we disqualify people who make more than one entry,
no cash alternative, void where prohibited, items will be
sent from Australia so the recipient may be liable for
customs duty or VAT on import, winners will be asked to
choose which feather they wish to receive from
codes APAg, APAs, APAq, APAx, APSg, APSs,
APSq, APSx. Editors' decision is final.
brought to you by: Mark J Cox, Joe Orton, Min Min Tsan