In this issue
Release: 1.1.1
Beta: None
Bugs reported in 1.1.1:
IP address matching in <Limit> wrong: giving
can match
Bugs fixed in next release:
Directory listing truncates sizes (e.g. 1.8Mb is shown as
The following items are under development for the next
release of Apache.
Multiple IPs in <VirtualHost>
It will now be possible to list more than one IP (or
host) address in the <VirtualHost> section.
Get list of compiled-in directives
A new command line option, -h, will return a list of the
directives the server can handle.
The next release of Apache will be version 1.2. The big
new feature in 1.2 will be support for HTTP/1.1, the new
version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Apache 1.2
will fully support this protocol as a Web server (except
for the proxy module). HTTP/1.1 is now going through the
final stages of approval as an Internet standard, and
Apache 1.2 cannot be fully released until it is approved,
since there might be changes.
New Features
However, HTTP/1.1 is not the only change in Apache 1.2.
There will be quite a few other new features, new
optional and core modules, and many bug fixes. In this
feature, we list all the major changes coming in 1.2.
Each change is accompanied by a link to the Apache Week
issue where it is reported in more depth.
Better Content Type Negotiation (Apache
Week 16 August 1996)
To overcome problems with some browsers, Apache's
content negotiation algorithm has been updated to
better guess what content type the browser wants.
Conditional configuration directives (Apache
Week 26 July 1996)
Configuration directives can be ignored if the module
they are defined in is not compiled in.
Customising for Browsers (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
It will be possible to set environment variables based
on the browser's user-agent text. This will give CGI
and SSI scripts a simple way of customising their
output based on features available in the browser.
Easier CGI script debugging (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
It will be easier to debug CGI scripts, because Apache
can now log the full input and output of the scripts.
Faster persistent connections (Apache
Week 02 August 1996)
Various changes have been made to increase the speed of
persistent connections.
File, Directory and Limit can take regular
expressions (Apache
Week 02 August 1996)
The files and URLs affected by each of these sections
can be defined by regular expressions.
Graceful Restarts (Apache
Week 28 June 1996)
Apache can re-read the config files and re-open log
files without terminating transactions in progress.
HTTP/1.1 support (Apache
Week 16 August 1996)
Apache will be 'unconditionally compliant' with the
HTTP/1.1 specification (except for mod_proxy).
Limit access on per-file basis (Apache
Week 02 August 1996)
A new section, <File>, can be used to restrict
access on a file-by-file basis. It will now be possible
to (for example) password protect a single file.
More SSI Commands (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
The 'extended SSI' module (XSSI) will replace the
current server-side-includes module. This will give a
number of powerful new features, such as the ability to
set variables and use conditional statements.
Multiple configurable log files (Apache
Week 16 August 1996)
More than one log file can use used, with the log
format fully customisable. This reduces the need for
addition log modules (mod_log_referer or
mod_log_agent), and make it much easier to add
customised log files and formats.
PICs module (Apache
Week 12 July 1996)
An optional module will be included which can provide
PICS labels.
Resource limits for CGI scripts (eg max CPU
time) (Apache
Week 02 August 1996)
To prevent runaway processes, the resources used by CGI
scripts can be limited.
Rewrite module (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
The 'rewrite' module will be included with Apache for
the first time. This module can be used to map incoming
URLs onto other URLs, using regular expressions.
Setuid CGI execution (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
Apache will support the execution of CGI scripts as
users other than the server user. A number of security
checks will be built in to try and make this as safe as
Simplified configuration file format (Apache
Week 09 August 1996)
The process of configuring Apache for compilation has
been simplified.
User Tracking (cookie module) Updates (Apache
Week 02 August 1996)
It will be possible to disable the generation of
cookies, even when the cookie module is compiled in.
Also, an expiry time can be set of the cookies.
Bug Fixes
A number of bugs from 1.1 have been fixed. Some of the
major ones are:
KeepAlive connection problems on some browsers
If ErrorDocument redirect fails, displays filename
Negotiation module negotiates on proxy requests (eg
proxy:") then fails
Scoreboard out of date (shows PID of children that have
Problem with ScriptAlias including path info data
<Location> matches directory sections
support HTTP continuation headers
mod_dir truncates file size
Updates for QNX, OS/2, A/UX, IRIX, AIX compile warnings
or system-specific behaviour
Recently (see Apache
Week issue 27) we looked at how server-side includes
can make creating dynamic content easy. This week we
examine how CGI and Apache modules can make dynamic
content faster and more powerful, at the expense of extra
complexity. This is not a tutorial on CGI or modules,
instead we look at the advantages and disadvantages of
Options for Creating Dynamic Content
If you want to create HTML pages on the fly, access
databases, or handle the input from a form, you have
several choices. If the processing you want do to is
fairly simple, you can use embedded commands in HTML
pages, using server-side-includes (SSI) (See Apache Week
feature on SSI). Slightly more complex is the PHP scripting language,
which is also embedded within HTML pages, and which has a
lot of advanced features such as links to mSQL and
Postgres databases.
However, for things which the scripting languages cannot
do you will need to use a full programming language.
Servers can run programs to create content or handle
forms using CGI. This is a standard which specifies how
the server is to run the program, and how it is to pass
the data into it. Programs are specially written to know
how to interact using the CGI
mechanisms. This allows an CGI program to work with
any CGI-compliant server.
Boosting CGI Performance
CGI programs themselves can be written in any language
which works on the server. Simple (and not so simple)
programs are often written in interpreted languages such
as perl
or even shell script. For better performance, compiled
programs can be used, such as those written in C.
But even when written in a compiled language, performance
may be a problem. Each time a request comes in that needs
to be handled by a CGI program, the server has to start
that program running. This process, called a fork
in Unix, is relatively time-consuming. Whether this is a
problem depends on how often the server needs to do it:
if the CGI is activated in response to a form that is
submitted occasionally, it will not be a problem. But if
the CGI creates the entire content for the site, the
additional work caused by executing the CGI program for
every request will have an effect on the server load.
There are several ways to make CGIs more efficient. If
they are written in perl, the Apache perl module
provides a much better way to run them. This module
effectively builds perl into Apache, so the request does
not need to execute a new copy of perl for each script.
In addition, the module can pre-load scripts so that they
are already available to run with no additional overhead.
However, using the perl module makes the Apache
executable much bigger which will use more memory.
Alternatively, the FastCGI
specification is a replacement for CGI. Like CGI, it is
server and language independent, but it provides for much
faster launching of CGI programs. For example, it can
start a CGI program running when the server starts and
send requests to this program, eliminating the need to
run the program for each request. It can also access
programs on remote servers. An Apache module interfaces
to FastCGI.
Apache Modules
While writing efficient CGI, using the perl module, or
FastCGI can significantly speed up CGI programs, the way
to get the fastest possible performance is to build your
code into the server. Apache, like the other main
servers, has a special programmers interface to do this.
This is the Apache Module API. If you write code
using the module API it will be compiled right into the
server itself. When it is executed, there is no need to
call an external program.
But using the Module API does have some disadvantages:
The code must be written in C (but in theory other
languages could be using, and linked in)
The module will make the server process bigger, and
since Apache runs as several processes this can drain
your memory
The module will only work with Apache (none of the main
server APIs - for example Apache, ISAPI, NSAPI - are
The module has access to the internal data structures
of Apache, so bugs can cause more serious problems than
bugs in CGI programs
Because each server process handles multiple requests,
memory leaks in your module or libraries it links with
can eat up memory
The module API is much more complex than the CGI
Getting Started with the Module API
If you do decide you want to write an Apache module, you
will need to learn the Module API. This is best
documented in the API.html
file which comes in the src directory of the Apache
source. However this documentation is not complete and
you will probably need to spend some time looking at how
other modules interact with Apache. In fact, the best way
to write a module is to take an existing module and
customise it. WebSmith magazine recently ran an article
on Writing
Apache Modules which takes this approach.
Apache 1.1.1 is now available with SSL secure encryption.
Outside the US, a set of patches is available to
integrate SSLeay with Apache to create Apache-SSL.
Certificates are not available from Verisign for
Apache-SSL. See the Apache Week feature on SSL for
more information.
Inside the US and Canada, a commercial version of
Apache-SSL called Stronghold is
available. Verisign will sign certificates for