In this issue
Apache Site: www.apache.org
Release: 1.2.4 (Released 22nd August 1997)
download sites)
Beta: 1.3b3 (Released 20th November 1997)
download sites)
Apache 1.2.4 is the current stable release. Users of Apache
1.2.3 and earlier should upgrade to this version. The next
release will be 1.3. A beta test release of 1.3 is available
now for both Unix and Windows 95/NT systems.
Bugs fixed in 1.3b4
These bugs have been found and fixed in 1.3b4.
Because of the major differences between Windows and Unix,
these are separated into bugs which affect Windows systems
only, and other bugs (which may affect Windows as well). Unix
users can ignore the bugs listed in the Windows section.
Windows-specific Bugs
The header line of the status module display did not match
the columns underneath.
Absolute paths (such as to AuthUserFile) were
not properly recognised
URLs passed on by the proxy module were being converted to
Very long URLs could cause the server to crash
The info module is not thread safe
Other Bugs
RedirectMatch gone / can cause a core dump
If the header part of a response is 256 bytes long,
Netscape Navigator (all versions to 4.0b2) will not display
the page. This was fixed in 1.2, but it seems that the
problem also occurs with 255 byte headers.
Patches for bugs in Apache 1.2.4 may be made available in the
to 1.2.4 directory on the Apache site. Some new features
and other unofficial patches are available in the 1.2
patches directory. For details of all previously reported
bugs, see the Apache bug database and
bugs pages. Also many common configuration questions are
answered in the Apache FAQ.
Development has slowed down to prepare for the release of
Apache 1.3. During the beta release cycle Apache is in a
"feature freeze" where no new features will be added. The
only changes from now on will be bug-fixes.
A busy week for Apache in the News, with three articles this
week. In the first, a dubious survey shows Netscape is the
most used server and Apache is only used on 8% of sites. This
article is also highly inaccurate in describing Apache. The
second report shows the significance of free software in
today's Internet, while the third highlights one individuals
contributions to Apache, but still describes Apache as
The first article, from ZD Net's Internet Magazine
mentions Apache the Web Servers part of its
10 Technologies You Need in 1998 article. However it
manages to get almost everything about Apache wrong: Apache
is described as "shareware", from an organisation having "13
directors", and is apparently "retreating" because people are
moving from Unix to NT. All of which is wrong: Apache code is
completely free (for commercial and non-commercial use,
including re-sale, provided the license is followed), there
is no Apache organisation, and the use of Apache according to
the Netcraft server survey is still a very healthy 49.90%.
In addition to these factual inaccuracies, this article
reports a dubious survey by Zona Research that
gives Apache 8% of the Internet server market, Microsoft and
42% and Netscape 28% (the 8% figure does not appear in the
online article, but is showing on a graph in the print
version). These figures come from a survey of technology
managers, and are unlikely to reflect the real use of Apache,
if only because Apache does not appear as an expense within
budgets. Zona research, incidently, produced a survey in
August (as reported in Media Daily under
Netscape Maintains Market Share) that gave Netscape 85%
of the web server market (and 0% for Apache). Like ZD Net's
reporter, these people do not seem to understand free
software, or that in the real world people do use Unix for
their servers.
Showing that reporters can understand the concept of free
software, San Jose Mercury shows that
There's money to be made in freeware. The article lists
Linux, Apache and Perl as examples of free software that has
made significant impact. It then shows how the FSF's Copyleft
is designed to enable software to remain freely available by
requiring users who modify software to make their
modifications available. (Of course, Apache and Perl are not
restricted in this way, and may be used in commercial
products and resold under their own licenses).
The final news item, from Inter@ctive Week, lists
The Top 25 Unsung Heroes Of The Net. At number 2 is Brian
Behlendorf, one of the original Apache developers who started
out patching up the old NCSA http server (hence the "Apache"
name). Brian is still active in the group, and also provides
and maintains the server used for development and master
distrubution (www.apache.org). However
Apache is written by a much larger group of people, a random
selection of whom are listed in this article. But this
article still makes the mistake of describing Apache as
"shareware", which again shows that many reporters lump
everything that is freely available as "shareware", despite
the fact that it may be public domain, freely available, or
Microsoft have
compared their IIS 4 beta 3 with Apache 1.2. Naturally
they only list features which IIS has and the other surveys
may not have - no features unique to Apache (such as language
negotiation, URL typo correction and digest authentication)
are mentioned. For some reason, they used Apache 1.2 rather
than the latest beta for comparison, and Apache 1.2 does not
even run on NT, so rather unsurprisingly it does not have
support for the NT management console, NT event logging,
integrated NT security, DCOM, ISAPI, Microsoft Message Queue,
WinCGI, server-side ActiveX scripting or NT performance
The table of features starts with "browser-neutral host
header support", which is unclear. If it refers to name-based
(host-header) virtual hosts, then Apache has supported them
for a long time, and supports them for all browsers which
correctly implement the Host header. It then
shows that Apache, a web server, does not support SMTP (mail
server) or NNTP (news server) protocols, which is hardly
surprising since it is a web server.
Besides being selective in which which Apache featrues are
listed, the table has some inaccuracies and some dubious
answers. The wrong answers are:
Log to any ODBC database: Apache does not have this built
in, but it is available through various means with
additional modules
Auto log closing and restart: Apache has this with the
"rotatelogs" program, which is part of the distribution
Language neutral server-side development: Apache fully
supports arbitrary language negotiation on the server side.
Compile-free server side scripting: obviously Apache
supports this, via embedded SSI (or with additional
modules, embedded perl, python and several other
languages), plus of course any scripting language via CGI.
Java Virtual Machine: Apache does not have this built in
Online support: Apache is listed as "No", but online
support is available through an open and accessible
bug-tracking database (not available for IIS) and through
direct access to the developers via a newsgroup (not
available with IIS).
Consulting, commercial support: listed as "No", but these
are available through a variety of third-party
The approach taken with IIS, which is common to NT software,
is to build as much as possible into the program. This can
make it initially easier to use, but of course restricts
upgrade paths and can prevent users configuring the server
exactly how they want it. Traditionally on Unix, programs are
designed to work with other programs, to allow maximum
flexibility. Because of this, Apache has a lot of No's in its
column compared to IIS, but the equivalent (and sometimes
better) functionality is available from a variety of add-on
products. Some of the answers that would turn to Yes's
include log file analysers, SSL support, browser
administration, data replication, publishing, link
validation, full-text indexing and searching and commercial
Finally there are some dubious answers. These include
Application and component process isolation: this is listed
as Yes for IIS and No for Apache. Rather strangely it
should be the other way around: Apache has much better
process isolation than IIS. In Apache, even an error in a
linked module causing a crash will not affect any requests
in progress. On IIS, because it uses multithreading and
overlapped IO, a faulty ISAPI extension can cause all
current transactions to die. In IIS 4 you can provide
process isolation for some applications, but this is a
slower and optional.
User authentication with encrypted passwords: Apache
supports the standard "digest" authentication protocol to
do this, whereas IIS does not (so there answer should be
"No" in the IIS column of this item, not yes). IIS 4 can
use NT Server authentication, but only with Windows 95 and
Windows NT clients, whereas digest authentication can work
with any standard-compiant browser (but, by a strange
co-incidence, MSIE for example does not support digest
Uses file security ACLs: Apache is listed as No because it
does not support NT ACLs, but since it runs on Unix and not
NT this is not surprising. The answer is Yes, Apache
respects file access controls (indeed, Unix applications
have to respect them).
SSL, crypto and X.509 support: IIS is listed as Yes, and
Apache as No. However IIS outside the US and Canada cannot
support encryption at greater than 40 or 56 bits, which is
easy to break. So IIS security support outside the US is,
for practical purposes, non-existant. Because of the same
export rules, Apache does not have encryption build in,
however both free (Apache-SSL) and commercial (Stronghold
and others) versions of Apache support full-strength
encryption world-wide. The IIS answers for all encryption
items in the table should be noted as being insecure
anywhere except the US and Canada.
It is good to see, however, that Microsoft at least are
taking Apache seriously as a potential competitor in the web
server market unlike some of the press reports in recent
And finally, a Merry Christmas to everyone from all at Apache
Week. The next issue will be on the 9th January