Apache Site: www.apache.org
Release: 1.3.4 (Released 11th January 1999)
download sites)
Beta: None
Apache 1.3.4 is the current stable release. Users of Apache
1.3.3 and earlier should look at upgrading to this version.
Read the Guide to
1.3.4 for information about changes between 1.3.3 and
1.3.4 and between 1.2 and 1.3.4.
These bugs have been found in 1.3.4 and will be fixed in the
next release.
Because of the major differences between Windows and Unix,
these are separated into bugs which affect Windows systems
only, and other bugs (which may affect Windows as well). Unix
users can ignore the bugs listed in the Windows section.
Windows-specific Bugs
Requests for filenames containing non-ASCII characters such
as accented characters gives a "Forbidden" error. PR#3890.
Patches for bugs in Apache 1.3.4 will be made available in
the apply_to_1.3.4 subdirectory of the patches
directory on the Apache site. Some new features and other
unofficial patches are available in the 1.3
patches directory. For details of all previously reported
bugs, see the Apache bug
database and known
bugs pages. Many common configuration questions are
answered in the Apache FAQ.
The next release of Apache will allow for conditional
logging. This is where requests are only logged if they meet
particular conditions. For example, all image files could be
excluded from the log file, or only requests which went
through the proxy could be logged. Combined with the ability
to have multiple log files this will allow for greater
flexibility in the creation of logs.
The decision about whether to log a particular request to a
particular log file is made based in whether an environment
variable is set. This is configured with a env=VAR or env=!VAR clause at the end of the
CustomLog directive. If
env=VAR is given, then
the request is logged only if VAR is set. If env=!VAR is given, then the request
is logged only if VAR
is not set.
Environment variables can be set using the SetEnvIf directive (from
mod_setenvif), or using
the rewrite rules in mod_rewrite. The former is simpler
to use, and the latter allows greater flexibility.
For example, the following code puts all requests for files
ending in .gif into a
separate log file:
SetEnvIf Request_URI \.gif$ gif-image
CustomLog gif-requests.log common env=gif-image
CustomLog nongif-requests.log common env=!gif-image
If the middle line is ommitted then .gif files are not logged at all.
In addition, the RefererIgnore directive is now
implemented in mod_log_config, so there is no need
to use either of the special case modules mod_log_agent or mod_log_referer.
Apache will be represented at a event in London called
The Alternative Highway - Open Source Software. It also
includes a keynote speech by Richard Stallman of the Free
Software Foundation and GNU Project.