Apache 1.2 API Guide :
For module authors, a comprehensive list of changes to the Apache module API.
First published: 6th June 1997
Apache 1.2 is now out. Here we list all the module
API changes compared to the API in Apache 1.1.3. Anyone who has
written a module for Apache 1.1.3 or earlier should read this
to see if the need to make modifications for it to work with
1.2. In any case, Apache adds many new features from HTTP/1.1,
and modules might want to take advantage of them. See also our
Guide to Apache 1.2
First published in Apache Week issue 44 (6th
December 1996), last updated 6th June 1997.
API Changes
API Version
The module API version is now 19970526.
New Parse Headers Phase
A new phase of request processing is available, to allow
modules to process the request headers early on in the
Defining and Processing Directives
The functions which handle directives should now return type
"const char *" instead of "char *". If this is not done,
compiling the module might result in type-mismatch warnings,
although it will still work.
Directives can now be defined in more than one module as
once. Each module is given the chance to handler the
directive, and can decline it by returning DECLINE_CMD. This
gives other modules the chance to handle the directive. This
is used in Apache in mod_auth.c and mod_auth_dbm.c, which
both support AuthUserFile, but only handle it if they
recognise the file type argument.
Directives can now take up to three arguments, and can take
optional arguments. The number of arguments is specified in
the module's command table, with values such as TAKE2 (for
two arguments). Possible values are now:
TAKE3: takes 3 arguments
TAKE123, TAKE13: takes a variable
number of arguments (1 or 2, 2 or 3, 1 or 2 or 3, 1 or 3
respectively). The function called should declare arguments
for the maximum number of argument the directive can take.
Arguments not set on the directive will be passed to the
function as NULL.
Finally, the cmd_parms structure has been
updated (this is passed in as the cmd argument to directive
handlers). A new 'cmd' element is now available,
pointing at the directive's command table definition
Supporting New Request Methods
Apache now supports the additional OPTIONS and TRACE request
methods. Two new defines are available for these methods,
M_OPTIONS and M_TRACE. The request_rec's method
element could be set to one of these. The handler can send an
OPTIONS response using send_http_options()
(although it could also decline the request, and let the
default handler send the response). Handlers can also set the
new allowed request_rec element to enable the creation of a
proper Allow HTTP/1.1 header. This is done by shifting the M_
defines right by the appropriate amount. For example, to
specify that GET and POST (only) are allowed for a particular
resource, the following could be used:
r->allowed = (1 < M_GET) | (1 < M_POST);
Reading PUT or POST data
The way that a module reads PUT or POST data has been
completely changed. This is necessary to support HTTP/1.1,
which can send this data in a 'chunked' encoding. Modules can
request that they get the data after it has been 'dechunked',
or they can get the raw data. Any module which handled PUT or
POST data by using the old read_client_block()
will need to be modified before it will compile with 1.2.
The way to read a request body in 1.2 involves several steps:
Call setup_client_block() to prepare to handle
the data. The second argument to this function tells Apache
how to process the body (if at all). It can be one of:
REQUEST_NO_BODY (issue a 413 error if any body
is present), REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR (issue a
414 if the body was sent encoded),
REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK (if body is chunked,
process to remove the chunking),
REQUEST_CHUNKED_PASS (pass on the chunks).
Call should_client_block() when ready to read
the data. This sends a "100 Continue" status to the client
(new in HTTP/1.1) and tells the module whether it is ok to
read the data.
Repeatedly call get_client_block() to get the
data (possibly all in one go, but possible also a bit at a
Returning Responses to Prevent Caching
A HTTP response can include headers to indicate to the
client that this response should not be cached at all. In
previous versions of Apache, this was done by setting the
no_cache element of the request_rec. This
also had the effect of always sending the
response, even if a "304 Not Modified" response could be
returned. Now a new element has been added,
no_local_copy. When this is set, a 304
response will never be generated. Setting
no_cache will send a response that cannot be
Data Structure Changes
New in the request_rec
no_local_copy and no_cache
replace 'no_cache' (type int)
request_time - time request was received
(type time_t)
boundary - boundary string for
multipart/byteranges (type char *)
range - range header text (type char *)
content_language deprecated. Use
content_langauges array instead (array of char*)
allowed - set to allowed methods (returned
on Allow: header by send_http_header()) (type int)
byterange - number of byte ranges (type
chunked - if sending chunked encoding
(type int)
read_length (bytes read so far) (type
read_body (read_body can take
handler (type int)
clength - real content length (type long)
remaining - bytes left to read (type long)
There are some other elements used internally within
Apache. In addition, the existing port
element is now an unsigned int rather than a (signed)
New in the server_rec
send_buffer_size - sets the TCP send
buffer size
addrs - list of addresses for this vhost
(type server_addr *)
server_uid and server_gid
contain the euid/egid to run suexec wrapper as (types
uid_t, uid_t)
The server_rec no longer contains host_addr,
host_port or virthost. Instead,
the server could be responding to multiple server
addresses, so a new array (addrs) is
created, each type type server_addr. The
server_addr_rec contains the IP address, port and name of
the server.
Regular Expressions
Apache is now compiled with a regular expression library.
Modules can use the function calls provided by this
library to make use of regular expressions. Note that on
systems which provide a stable and bug-free regular
expression library, the one supplied with Apache is not
used. The library is available in the
src/regex directory of the Apache
distribution. The only thing to note when using this
regular expressions is that regsub() should
not be used. This is because it returns a string
allocated internally, not using Apache's pool allocation
system. A new API function, pregsub() is
provided instead which does the same as
regsub(), but allocates space in the pool
passed in as an argument.
Multiple Language Support
Resources can be associated with multiple resources.
Typically, mod_mime obtains information about which
languages a file is in from its extensions, but modules
can also set the language of their response. Previously,
the language was set as a string called
content_language in the request_rec. That is
still available for backwards compatibilty, but will only
hold the last language that mod_mime set. To get all the
language in a file, or to set a response with multiple
languages, the new element content_languages
should be used instead. This is an array (created using
the standard Apache array functions such as
make_array()), with each element being a
"char *" string containing a language tag.
For example, if a module wants to output a response in
English and German, it should set content_languages with:
char **new;
r->content_languages = make_array (r->pool, 2, sizeof(char*));
new = (char **)push_array (r->content_languages);
*new = "en";
new = (char **)push_array (r->content_languages);
*new = "de";
Other New API Functions
The following API functions are new in Apache 1.2, and
have not already been mentioned above.
blookc() can be used to look ahead one
character in a BUFF* stream.
call_exec() to run sub-programs, possible
as a different user.
clear_table() to empty a table
construct_server() returns a string giving
the "hostname:port" for a given hostname and port
(:port is omitted if it is 80).
find_last_token() looks if a given token
appears as the last part of a string.
find_token() looks to see if a given token
exists in a comma-separated list of tokens
getword_white() available to get a word,
skipping white space
is_table_empty() check if a table has any
contents (this is a macro)
pregcomp() to preform a regular expression
pregfree() to mark memory used by a
regular expression comparison as available.
pregsub() is used after a regular
expression match to substitute matching parts.
scan_script_header_err can be used instead
of scan_script_header() to return error
information from the headers
send_fd_length() sends a part of an open
send_header_field() sends a single header
to the client.
set_flag_slot() sets an on/off flag in a
module's config (complements existing
rflush() can be used when sending a
response to force output to be flushed to the client.
table_do() to call a function for each
item in a table
API functions that use a port number previously used a
signed int and now use an unsigned int. File descriptors
are now passed as long instead of int to functions such
as pclosef() and
All the HTTP status codes have been renamed to start with
HTTP_, and the new codes from HTTP/1.1 have been added.
Macros are now available to check status codes, such as
Internal Changes
People writing modules might also be interested in how
the core Apache code works. This list, provided for
information only, is a summary of the major changes to
the source code which have not been reported elsewhere
(as new features, for example).
CookieLog now handled by
Code to do some of transparent connected negotiation
(see #define HOLTMAN in mod_negotiation.c)
Configure updated to handle new simpler configuration
file format
Date-related functions are now in util_date.c
mod_includes calls can_exec() for
Modules can be compiled in but inactive. The compiled
in modules are listed in preloaded_modules[] array,
while the active modules are stored in
Modules will be moving into the
src/modules directory (only mod_proxy has
moved so far)
Proxy code moved to src/modules/proxy
directory, within the new modules directory
Regular expression library has been added in
src/regex directory
Returns 100 Continue before reading request entity
Scoreboard now contains the name of the vhost
processing the request.
The #define names for OS-specific functions have been
simplified and made consistent: HAS_GMTOFF is now
and been added, and USE_* used to select preferred
options on particular OSes
The fd for each listener is stored to allow graceful
To support graceful restarts, scoreboard records a
'generation' number
Various function arguments and return values are
declared as const.